Slaapmutske tripel

  • Additional information
    1. Slaapmutske Tripel Welcome to the new site of Brewery Slaapmutske. You can find out all about our delicious craftbeers, about our history, promotions and so much more! Brouwerij Slaapmutske is een .
      Slaapmutske Tripel - Brouwerij Slaapmutske - Untappd Slaapmutske Triple Nightcap is a Tripel style beer brewed by Brouwerij Slaapmutske in Melle, Belgium. Score: 88 with ratings and reviews. Last update:
      Brouwerij Slaapmutske - Home Slaapmutske Tripel - 33cl. Buy your Tripel beer and matching beer glass in this online shop. This Belgian beer is blond coloured and brewed by Slaapmutske brewery.
      Extra informatie The classic Belgian beer style!Slaapmutske Tripel pours an attractive pale gold, slightly cloudy, sitting under a large white creamy head. Smell is of big Belgian yeast aromas - soft ripe fruits, .
  • Nightcap Tripel
  • Slaapmutske Tripel
  • Slaapmutske Tripel

  • The Slaapmutske has a powerful citrus-like, slightly sweet and hoppy aroma. What makes this beer soft, full and fine in taste. The aftertaste has a pleasant bitterness with a full mouthfeel. .
  • slaapmutske tripel
  • Slaapmutsje thee

  • Slaapmutske Bio-Tripel (organic) Description: organic certified top-fermented beer made with organic malt and hops, refermented in the bottle. Alcohol: 8,0% VOL. Colour: golden blond. .
  • Slaapmutske kessel
  • Slaapmutske Tripel .
    Slaapmutske blond .
    Slaapmutske kessel .
    Slaapmutske Tripel | Belgisch bier .

    Slaapmutske blond

  • Slaapmutske Tripel
  • Slaapmutske Tripel | Belgium beer
  • Slaapmutske kessel

  • Slaapmutske blond